When you begin a project with Ultimate Heating, you immediately benefit from 25yrs experience, all gained within our family business. We have worked with many National and Regional builders, Housing Trusts, Local Authorities and Bespoke Developers. All our expert engineers have been trained in-house and have gained immeasurable knowledge to provide the highest quality of Plumbing & Heating.
Founded by Johnathan Roberts, who has been involved in the plumbing and heating industry for most of his career. Through Ultimate Heating they set out to deliver first-class services and excellence to all clients. This philosophy is instilled into the company ethos at all levels. This has allowed Ultimate to specialise in their core services, become experts, and ultimately care about the end results that are being delivered to the CLIENT.
Contact our team, and we will be more than happy to discuss your requirements, alternatively feel free to email across any plans/drawings you have and we offer your our expertise and options.